Big bronze Amoghasiddhi Buddha statue called Tian Tan Buddha with sunset sky at Po Lin Monastery Ngong Ping in Lantau Island famous tourist destination in Hong Kong China

The Gifts of Buddhism

2,500 years ago, Gautama Sakyamuni—more familiar to us as the Buddha—was not handed wisdom by an angel and was not spoken to face to

Taoism Temple, Aljunied, Singapore

The Gifts of Taoism

“Go with the flow.” “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” “By letting go all gets done.” “All things change.” “Let

Nun treats refugee

Religion: The Lifeline of Humanity

Salvation, redemption, absolution, deliverance. Any religion focuses one way or another, through one path or another, on the liberation of the individual, and—since so

Act of Kindness Homeless Care Package Muslim Woman Hijabi Homeless Man at the steps of a Church

The Gifts of Islam

1.5 to 2 billion of the world’s people identify as Muslim. That means that nearly 1 out of 4 people in the world believe

Church prayer

Does Religion Nudge Us Toward Virtue? And Does it Work?

Does being religious make us behave more morally has long been debated. Of interest to psychologists and philosophers, according to one scholar it really

Washington National Cathedral Achieves the Status of “Megachurch”

The Washington National Cathedral has achieved the status of “megachurch” by streaming their religious services online through the pandemic lockdowns over the last two

Survey on Christian Life Beliefs

More than 200 Christians were recently surveyed to determine beliefs about their Christian life. Of the 216 participants 65 percent were female , 93

Religion in Canada

Religion in Canada

7 facts about religion in Canada Canada is the hub of cultural diversity and religions. Each of this element mixes together and makes Canada

Karen Armstrong: Don’t Blame Religion For Terrorism

Karen Armstrong examines the knotted history of religion and violence In a time when Muslim extremists quote the Koran as they behead their victims,

USCIRF Adds Russia to list of Worst Religious Freedom Violators in 2017 Report

Banning of Jehovah's Witnesses catapulted Russia to the list of shame. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) declared in its yearly report