White Supremacists Disrupt Arkansas Holocaust Remembrance Event

White Supremacists Disrupt Arkansas Holocaust Remembrance Event

The white supremacist group was protesting ADL Residents of the town of Russellville in Arkansas are used to seeing Holocaust Remembrance Day every year.

Number of Anti-Semitic Incidents Doubled in 2018

Number of Anti-Semitic Incidents Doubled in 2018

1,879 incidents of vandalism, assault, and harassment happened in the U.S. A report published by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on May 1 reports anti-Semitic

Historic Jewish Cemetery Defaced with Anti-Semitic Graffiti

Historic Jewish Cemetery Defaced with Anti-Semitic Graffiti

Over 20 gravestones were desecrated. A Jewish cemetery in Massachusetts has been left defaced, continuing a horrible trend of anti-Semitic attacks on grave sites.[/tweetit]

Miracle Hill Ministries has Government-funded Religious Freedom to Refuse Non-Christian Foster Parents

Gay rights and non-Christian groups have opposed the waiver. The U.S. Government has granted religious liberty to government-funded foster care agencies in South Carolina

Revered Christian Reverend writes Disney in the defense of Scientology

Scientology's 'STAND' group and AME minster Rev. Dr. Cecil “Chip” Murray ask Disney head Bob Iger to take action against incendiary programming. In November

Duke University Mural Honoring Pittsburgh Shooting Victims is Defaced with a Swastika

Duke University Mural Honoring Pittsburgh Shooting Victims is Defaced with a Swastika

Anti-Defamation League reports 57% increase in acts against the Jewish Community. Duke University's mural created in honor of the fallen victims of the Pittsburgh

Reactions to Trump's Jerusalem move

Reaction to Trump’s Jerusalem Move

Reactions from the Jewish conservatives and liberals were true to their book Jews on the political right welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to

Anthony Scaramucci Grilled for Misleading Holocaust Poll, Apologizes and Reposts it Anyway

The news outlet justified the action by saying people should be reminded of the miserable event The Twitter team of Anthony Scaramucci, the short-lived

Security Jewish Holidays

High Security on Jewish High Holidays

Anti-Semitism is at its peak This year, the Jewish High Holidays are like none that have been before. The holidays, featuring Rosh Hashanah last

ADL Says Jay-Z Lyrics on ‘4:44’ Play into Anti-Semitism

The rapper's supporters say the meaning behind the lyrics are taken out of context. Rapper Jay-Z came under heavy criticism by the Anti-Defamation League[/tweetit]