Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis Takes a Stand Against Kanye West’s Antisemitic Tweet

Jamie Lee Curtis, award-winning actress, “Scream Queen,” and activist, has taken a public stand against recent antisemitic tweets from Kanye West. Curtis is originally

Vatican Quashes ‘Fake News’ of Pope Benedict Death

Religious News From Around the Web August 9, 2021

Scientologist Wins Case Against Munich "Sect Filter;" Religious Restrictions Return with Rise of Delta Variant; Vatican Launches Global Compact on the Family; Problems With

A Surge of British Jews Affected by Holocaust are Trying to Move to Germany

Religious News from around the web October 19, 2020

Same-Sex Marriage Going Away? Washington's Lt. Gov Becoming a Priest, Orthodox Jews Defy COVID restrictions, She Became a Jew and Discovered Anti-Semitism, Why Amy


Religious News From Around the Web July 27, 2020

Biden Would Revoke Muslim Ban, Virtual Chaplains Help Oncology Patients, Dangerous Shinto Celebrations, Jewish History in Europe, Latest Supreme Court Ruling Goes Against Church,

Vandalism and How to Deal With It

A few years ago, someone began breaking windows in the church I attend. I became one of the volunteers who stood watch at night

WRN News from Around the Web: Shinto Emperor, Mormons Leave Mexico, Pakistan-India Cooperation, Religious Statues Beheaded, IM God, Catholic Anti-Abuse Hotline, Military Chaplains

Japanese Emperor Performs Shinto Ceremony Amid Controversy Japanese Emperor Naruhito performed the Daijosai, an ancient Shinto ceremony said to transform the emperor by joining

'Tell Them, I Am' Ramadan Podcast Going Beyond "Islam 101"

Muslim Civil Rights Group Condemns ND State Lawmaker and Facebook for Spreading Anti-Muslim Lies

WASHINGTON, DC — The following is a statement from Madihha Ahussain, Muslim Advocates’ special counsel for anti-Muslim bigotry responding to lies and misleading images

Lithuanian City Honors Nazi-Collaborator

Lithuanian City Honors Nazi-Collaborator

Vilnius renames street in honor of Nazi collaborator Kazys Skirpa There have been many heated discussions as well as protests about renaming a small

Canadian Jews are the Most Targeted Minority in the Country for the Third Consecutive Year

Canadian Jews are the Most Targeted Minority in the Country for the Third Consecutive Year

345 incidents against Jews in 2018 For the third year in a row Canadian Jews have been the most targeted minority group in the

Fire Explodes in White Supremacist’s Face While Trying to Burn Down a Synagogue

Fire Explodes in White Supremacist’s Face While Trying to Burn Down a Synagogue

Witness described the arsonist's hair as it looked to be "whooshed up" white supremacist who attempted to burn down a synagogue in the city