Big Bang Theory Actress Mayim Bialik Gets Anti-Semitic Threats After Visiting Israel

Jewish actress Mayim Bialik recently visited Israel and afterwards was visited by a wave of anti-Semitism on social media. Mayim Bialik has been part

Rise in Jew-Hatred on California University Campuses Prompts Movement to Redefine “Anti-Semitism”

Jewish groups ask for changes in anti-Semitism definition in the University of California school system. Several Jewish organizations have petitioned the University of California

Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Have More than Doubled This Year Alone in United Kingdom

Crime figures released by the U.K. Police last week indicate that 10% of anti-Semitic crimes are violent in nature. Anti-Semitic hate crimes which include

Nursery Worker

Christian Nursery Worker Wins Discrimination Case after Being Fired Over Anti-Gay Views

The Watford Employment Tribunal in England has ruled that a nursery worker was discriminated and unjustly dismissed from work after expressing her Christian anti-gay

Pastor On Grindr

Anti-Gay Pastor Resigns Over Secret Grindr Account

Screenshots from the Grindr account of Pastor Matthew Makela, as posted on Queerty. Pastor Matthew Makela resigned from his position at the St. John's

Stanley Family Pastors Clash: Anti-LGBT vs Acceptance

Pastor Andy Stanley feels a Congregation should be the safest place on the planet for LGBTs, while his Pastor father is vehemently anti-gay. In

Judge Claims ‘Killing Jews’ Ad Is Protected Under Freedom Of Speech

The "Killing Jews" bus ads can run on NYC buses and Trains under the rule of freedom of Speech. Freedom of Speech has been

Molly Horwitz

Allegations of Anti-Semitism at Stanford by Jewish Student are Debated

Jewish student Molly Horwitz says she encountered anti-Semitism when being interviewed for a student senate seat in a Stanford University organization. Molly Horwitz, a

Controversial Anti-Islam Bus Ads Running in Philadelphia

A highly controversial anti-Islam bus ad on SEPTA in Philadelphia has attracted international attention and condemnation of gargantuan proportions. The advert that is causing so

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas’ Son the Target of Anti-Semitic Rant

Michael Douglas wrote an Op-Ed piece for the LA Times and visited the Today Show to discuss faith and anti-Semitism. Celebrity A-listers are used