Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Compares Christian Persecution to Knife Crimes in the UK

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Compares Christian Persecution to Knife Crimes in the UK

2.5 million Christians have faced persecution in Pakistan The foreign minister of Pakistan has dismissed accusations of Christian persecution in Pakistan. The minister claims

Islamic extremists Pledge to Purse Asia Bibi in Canada

Islamic Extremists Pledge to Pursue Asia Bibi in Canada

After nine years on death row in Pakistan she has finally arrived in Canada Asia Bibi, a Christian who spent an agonizing nine years

Canada Offers Asylum to Asia Bibi

Canada Offers Asylum to Pakistani Christian Woman Asia Bibi

After eight years on death row, Asia Bibi is being blocked from leaving the country. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed on November 11

Pakistan Acquits Christian Woman from Blasphemy Death Sentence

Pakistan Acquits Christian Woman from Blasphemy Death Sentence

The ruling has sparked violence across the country The Supreme Court of Pakistan has overturned the death sentence of a Christian woman by the

Colosseum Lit Up Red to Honor Religious Persecuted Christians

Colosseum Lit Up Red to Honor Religious Persecuted Christians

Initiative by ACN to shine light on Christians who face persecution will illuminate Colosseum in red The Colosseum, the most popular landmark in Rome,