President Obama Admits Atheists Experience A “Unique Challenge and Bias”

Bill Maher and President Obama on the politics of atheism. Atheist Bill Maher invited President Barack Obama on his TV show Real Time with

Bill Maher and Michael Moore Want To Make ‘Kings of Atheism’ Documentary

via video screenshot Maher and Moore reveal plans to make a new documentary called Kings of Atheism. The much-talked about discussion for a new

Bill Maher Thinks Churches Need to Pay Taxes

Religious institutions are tax "deadbeats" says Bill Maher. Comedian and commentator Bill Maher is “hopping mad” that large U.S. corporations such as GM and

“Come on Back, Bill” Colbert Attempts to Bring Maher Back to Catholicism

Colbert and Maher Debate Religion on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert, the host of Late Show defended the Christian faith when

Patton Oswalt Westboro Baptist

Patton Oswalt Compares Atheists Maher & Dawkins to Westboro Baptist Church

Famous comedian, actor, and atheist, Patton Oswalt called out fellow atheists Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins comparing them to the Westboro Baptist Church. In

Reza Aslan

Reza Aslan – Who is the Defender of Islam and Religion?

In the last month, Reza Aslan has taken media by storm defending religion and Islam. The critic of bigotry hopes to enlighten our conversations

Bill Maher Ben Affleck

Bill Maher gets unexpected support from religious conservatives over recent anti-Islamic remarks

Last week, actor Ben Affleck took issue with Bill Maher’s remarks about Islam during an appearance on Maher’s show, Real Time. The interesting development