Faith and Interfaith by Hilary Canto

What do we mean by the term faith? We usually mean faith as belief or religion, but we have faith in each other, faith

Interview With Pastor Carl Lentz

Exclusive Interview Hillsong’s Carl Lentz on Politics, Racism, and Video Games

World Religion News interviews popular Hillsong Church Pastor Carl Lentz. If you follow celebrities, sports, or have a social media account you are probably

Hillsong's Carl Lentz Discusses the Root of Racism with Oprah on SuperSoul Sunday

Hillsong’s Carl Lentz Discusses the Root of Racism with Oprah on SuperSoul Sunday

Evangelical Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz says "ignorance" is the root of racism. Carl Lentz, the pastor of Hillsong Church in New York City, wrote

Hillary Clinton Denounces Shootings at AME Church’s General Conference

Hillary Clinton delivered a speech Friday the AME Church General Conference. AME Church has been fighting racial injustice for over 200 years. Hillary Clinton,

Baltimore Churches Respond to Freddie Gray and Police Brutality

Local Baltimore church leaders speak out about the Freddie Gray case and the riots that have followed. Friday, six police officers were arrested and

Catholic Church Bishop Urges a Racial Divide Conversation

Illinois bishop urges the Catholic community to try to put themselves in African-American shoes to better understand the country's 'racial divide.' Bishop Edward K.

Jewish Muslim Protestors

Jewish and Muslim Protestors Join the Black Lives Matter Movement

Jewish and Muslim Protestors Bring Attention to the #BlackLivesMatter Movement this Hanukkah. December 16, Jewish and Muslim members were led by the Arab-American Association