Blasphemy a Capital Offense in Some Countries, Expunged in Others

In 1988 Salmon Rushdie published The Satanic Verses, a book which Muslims thought disparaged Islam. Riots broke out in Muslim countries, and shortly thereafter,

Islamic extremists Pledge to Purse Asia Bibi in Canada

Islamic Extremists Pledge to Pursue Asia Bibi in Canada

After nine years on death row in Pakistan she has finally arrived in Canada Asia Bibi, a Christian who spent an agonizing nine years

Egyptian Lawmaker Wants to Remove Religion from ID cards

Egyptian Lawmaker Wants to Remove Religion from ID cards

Nasr al-Din takes his inspiration from the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Ismail Nasr al-Din, an Egyptian Member of Parliament, stated his intention on

Canada Offers Asylum to Asia Bibi

Canada Offers Asylum to Pakistani Christian Woman Asia Bibi

After eight years on death row, Asia Bibi is being blocked from leaving the country. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed on November 11

Pakistan Acquits Christian Woman from Blasphemy Death Sentence

Pakistan Acquits Christian Woman from Blasphemy Death Sentence

The ruling has sparked violence across the country The Supreme Court of Pakistan has overturned the death sentence of a Christian woman by the

Indonesia Sentenced Buddhist Woman with "Insulting Islam" after Complaining a Mosque was too Loud

Indonesia Sentenced Buddhist Woman with “Insulting Islam” after Complaining a Mosque was too Loud

Concerns have been raised about the slow erosion of the country's secular fabric A court in Indonesia sentenced Meiliana, an Indonesian of ethnic Chinese

Ireland will Vote on Removing Blasphemy from Constitution

Ireland will Vote on Removing Blasphemy from Constitution

This law has no bearing in modern Ireland Charlie Flanagan, the Justice and Equality Minister of Ireland, announced that the Government of Ireland has

UN Warned of Religious Animosity by Vatican Official

UN Warned of Religious Animosity by Vatican Official

Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic does not like “freedom from religion” phrase. Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic, a Vatican observer to the UN agencies located in Geneva, has

Nepal religious conversions

Nepal Outlaws Christian Conversion, Providing More Protections for Hinduism

Violation of law will bring incarceration plus punitive monetary fines The Government of Nepal enacted a law to restrict evangelism.[/tweetit] Bidhya Devi Bhandari, the

Indonesia religious freedom

Indonesian Law Requiring Citizens to Identify with 1 of 6 Religions is Overturned

Citizens can now list their own faith; no longer limited to six religion choices on ID cards. In a historic feat, Indonesia has recently