FaithinRecovery Pt. 2

Faith in Recovery Pt. 2: The Surprising Truth About Religion and Drug Use

Informative list may change the way you see religion “Every addicted person brings with them a distinct personal history, which should be listened to,

Dalai Lama Says Caste System is Against Religion

Dalai Lama speaks out against caste discrimination While in Padum, Zanskar for the Avalokiteshvara initiation, the Dalai Lama took some time to touch on

Vatican Asks Buddhists and Catholics to Work Together for Global Peace

Vatican calls on Catholics and Buddhists to promote peace On May 10, the Buddhist community will be celebrating a religious festival known as the

Buddhist Says Meditation is Scientifically Proven to Make Your Life Better

Buddhist master says science proves meditation improves the quality of lives. Famous Buddhist monk Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, the propagator of Tergar meditation, says scientists

Richard Gere on How Buddhism Changed His Career

Ever since his speech against the occupation of Tibet during the '93 Oscars, the actor has seen a downward spiral in his popularity. Once

Buddhist Inner Path Festival Begins Today

2017 Festival of Buddhist films, art and philosophy kicks off today. Teamwork Arts is proud to present The Inner Path (TIP), a festival of

Buddhist Leaders’ ‘Call to Action’ Against Policies of the New Administration

Stand Against Suffering: A Buddhist Call to Action The foundation of Buddhism is based on compassion and peace, however, that doesn't mean that all

Larung Gar Buddhist Complex Getting Renovated to Improve Safety

China is rebuilding Buddhist complex Larung Gar. China is reconstructing the expansive Larung Gar complex[/tweetit] to improve public health and safety. The complex was

Dalai Lama on ‘Last Week Tonight with John Oliver’

"I am demon. With horn!" The Dalai Lama teases China who is describing him as a demon. The Dalai Lama was interviewed on Sunday

India Ignores China, Dalai Lama Will Visit Arunachal Pradesh

China warns India on Dalai Lama's visit to Arunachal Pradesh, but Dalai Lama will not cancel visit. Despite warnings by China, India has decided