Canada Offers Asylum to Asia Bibi

Canada Offers Asylum to Pakistani Christian Woman Asia Bibi

After eight years on death row, Asia Bibi is being blocked from leaving the country. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed on November 11

Canada Apologizes for Denying Asylum to Jewish Refugees of the MS St. Louis

Canada Apologizes for Denying Asylum to Jewish Refugees of the MS St. Louis in 1939

Trudeau decried the rise of modern anti-Semitism. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, tendered a formal apology for the then Canadian Government's decision

Trans-Woman Suing Beauty Spa For Refusing to Wax Her Legs

Trans-Woman Suing Beauty Spa For Refusing to Wax Her Legs

Mad Wax stands by its employee Mad Wax, a Canadian beauty spa, now faces the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario for denying services to

Violence Against Jews Is Down, But anti-Semitism Is on the Rise

Violence Against Jews Is Down, But anti-Semitism Is on the Rise

"Jew" has again become a swear word Increasing anti-Semitism has made European Jews insecure. According to a study conducted by Kantor Center for The

Should Sikhs Be Forced To Wear Helmets?

Should Sikhs Be Forced To Wear Helmets?

New Exemption In Canada Brings Up the Global Debate Again When can society restrict religious freedom? This is a question usually surrounding issues like

Quebec Bans Burqa

Quebec Bans Face Coverings in Public

Critics Call It Religious Discrimination Quebec, a province of Canada, has passed an all-encompassing ban on all face coverings. This law prohibits everyone from

SRESYouGov Evolution

72% of Atheists Polled Believe Someone Who is Religious Would Not Accept Evolutionary Science

Science and religion are not in conflict according to religious people The Birmingham based Newman University commissioned YouGov poll discovered that 72 percent of

science beating religion in britain and canada

Science is Beating Religion in Britain and Canada

Survey Shows Vast Decrease in Belief in Creationsim A survey conducted by the Centre of Science, Knowledge and Belief in Society, working out of

80% of Canadians Would Choose an Atheist Prime Minister

80% Canadians do not mind voting for an Atheist leader Polls show Canada is comparatively more open to diversity in one sense. 80 percent

Over Half of Canadians say Religion is Harmful, While Ontario School Rules Students Can Skip Religion Classes

Canada presently witnessing a rise in rational thought According to a brand new Ipsos poll for Global News, 51 percent of Canadians hold the