Religious News From Around the Web August 31, 2020

Politics, Religion Confers Immunity from Moral Stupidity, Black Lives Matter Opposed, Xi Ramps Up “Sinicization” of Tibet, In-Person Worship Safe With Precautions, World's largest

Religious Liberty Under Attack and into Focus By Charles Franklin

One might suppose that religious liberty in the United States, would – like granite cliffs – withstand any ocean storm of legal assaults. It

Politics, Religion and the Principled Life

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch,” said Benjamin Franklin. Democracies had failed in the past, blown

Image by Gerd Altmann

Identity and Religion: The War Against the Spirit

Who are you? What is your identity? Are you your name, your family, your car, your bank account, the language you speak or the

Movie Review: The Two Popes (two reviews)

The Two Popes - Netflix Starring: Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce Director: Fernando Meirelles Review By Charlotte Odenson Inspired by true events, this beautifully

WRN News from Around the Web: Fallen Sikh, Quaker Gender, Chick-fil-A, Ebola, Rise of the Unaffiliated, JFK, Rohingya Genocide, Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Houston PD Honors Fallen Sikh Deputy The Houston, Texas Police Department is altering its dress code policy to allow Sikh officers to wear articles

WRN News from Around the Web: Shinto Emperor, Mormons Leave Mexico, Pakistan-India Cooperation, Religious Statues Beheaded, IM God, Catholic Anti-Abuse Hotline, Military Chaplains

Japanese Emperor Performs Shinto Ceremony Amid Controversy Japanese Emperor Naruhito performed the Daijosai, an ancient Shinto ceremony said to transform the emperor by joining

WRN News From Around the Web: Reincarnation Dead? Kanye West, LGBTQ, Beautiful Bahá’í, Cakeshop Sued for Third Time, Sanctuary Fines, Zoroastrians Meet

Chinese Catholics Occupy Church to Prevent Demolition Priests and parishioners have locked themselves inside a Catholic Church in the Hebei province of China to

Faith-Based Adoptions Help Knit Up the Threads of Broken Families

While sexual attraction may be nature’s way of ensuring the continuation of the race, marriage is created to establish stability in relationships and enhance

WRN News Summaries From Around the Web

Hindu Festival of Lights Celebrated in White House Ceremony President Trump hosted a celebration of the Hindu Festival of Lights or Diwali in the