Raelians Set Out to Prove There’s No Christ in Communion Wafers

Raelians expose "Catholic fraud" with scientific study, demonstrate that host wafers are simply bread. Raelian scientists have recently undertaken DNA testing of host wafers,

Five Facts About Human Evolution and Religion

Pope Francis has become the latest pope to affirm that the Catholic Church sees no contradiction in natural evolution and creation, returning the spotlight

Elton John on Religion: Describes Pope Francis as ‘My Hero,’ and ‘Fearless’

Elton John called Pope Francis "my hero" for his compassion and push to accept gays in the Catholic church at his annual AIDS benefit

Buddhist Temple

Russia Sets the Stage for Religious Diversity with New Buddhist Temple

Moscow's first Buddhist temple, symbolizing Russia’s religious diversity and promoting friendly inter-confessional and inter-ethnic relations, will be built in Russia's capital by 2017. A

Catholic Church And Gays

Pope Francis Offers Gay Community Compassion Amid Conservative Catholic Backlash

Pope Francis and the Vatican issued a statement about same-sex couples, but after conservative Catholics criticized it, the document was relabeled as a draft.

Secular 2014 Conference to Focus on the Religious Right, Secularism and Civil Rights

Secular 2014 Conference to Focus on the Religious Right, Secularism and Civil Rights

“Secularism is probably the one big issue for our century. This century is not, as many still think, marked by a religious or spiritual

500 Years Catholicism Myanmar

Asian Country Myanmar Celebrates 500 Years of Catholic History

Despite being a small minority, only 2% of the population, Catholicism celebrates 500 years in Myanmar. Formerly known as Burma, The Republic of the Union of

Rep. Sensenbernner

Rep. Sensenbrenner (R, WI) Becomes Catholic Despite Conflicting Opinions

Representative Jim Sensenbrenner has converted to Catholicism despite his and the Church's opposing opinions on immigration. Jim Sensenbrenner, a Republican representative from Wisconsin, recently

Elizabeth B Johnson LCWR

Elizabeth Johnson Receives Women’s Religious Award, Upsets Church

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious have awarded Elizabeth Johnson amidst a controversy with Catholic Bishops. There is a greater sense of tension than

Pope Francis Asia Recap

Pope Francis Hopes to Improve Asian-Catholic Relations

by Krista R. Burdine and Emily Murdoch Pope Francis’ visit to South Korea highlighted the Catholic Church’s weak presence in Asia and the Vatican's