Anti-China Forces Criticize Uighur Crackdown

Chinese Spokesperson Refutes Claims China has Muslim Internment Camps

Foreign minister spokesperson says there are ulterior motives behind these unfounded claims and criticisms In a response to a United Nation’s panel announcing they

Muslims Protesting Demolition of Mosque in China

Muslims Protesting Demolition of Mosque in China

The Muslim community is going through a lot of pain and does not understand why the government is planning this demolition. In a rare

Annual Report on Religious Freedom Released

Annual Report on Religious Freedom Released

U.S. ally Saudi Arabia is included in the persecuted countries list. Sam Brownback, the U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom informed reporters on May

China Uses Brainwashing To Make Citizens Surrender Their Religion

China Uses Brainwashing To Make Citizens Surrender Their Religion

Bejing Claims It Is Designed To Fight Extremism Approximately one million Muslims are detained in Chinese indoctrination camps where they routinely undergo mental and

Russia Violates Its Own Laws to Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russian Government's persecution of Jehovah's witnesses escalated in lead up to one year anniversary of ban. In a continued act of bitter irony, the

China Begins To Ban The Bible

China Begins To Ban The Bible

It Signals A Tougher Crackdown On Chinese Christians And Churches Chinese netizens can no longer buy Bibles online. Chinese shopping sites no longer display

The Dangerous Work Of Spreading Christianity In North Korea

The Dangerous Work of Spreading Christianity in North Korea

Many have died and countless have been injured in North Korea. Ethnic Korean missionaries based in China's northeastern border with North Korea engage themselves

Why Are Buddhists Scared About The Dalai Lama's Health Problems?

Why Are Buddhists Scared About The Dalai Lama’s Health Problems?

The Dalai Lama Recently Canceled all His Foreign Travel The spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, has canceled all travel for the

Chinese Scholar Says Fight The State On Religion

Chinese Scholar Says Fight The State On Religion

New laws will infringe on religious freedom Ying Fuk-Tsang, director of Divinity School, of The Chinese University of Hong Kong said that since China

Mercedes Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

Mercedes-Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

The offending material was in the form of an Instagram post An apology was made to China by the vehicle maker Mercedes-Benz for quoting