Pence Says Christians Are Most Persecuted Worldwide, US Will Fight to Protect Them

Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians in Washington D.C. Mike Pence, the Vice President of the

The Pope Will Visit Egypt Despite Palm Sunday Bombings

Bombings won’t stop Pope Francis from carrying out his mission of peace. The Vatican deputy secretary of state, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, said the twin

These are the 12 Worst Countries for Christians

List by International Christian Concern includes countries such as Mexico, Russia, and even the U.S. International Christian Concern (ICC) has released a document titled

A Christian Was Killed for Their Faith Every 6 Minutes This Year

Christians Are the Most Persecuted A new study has found that Christians are the most persecuted people on earth today. A research conducted by

President Obama Signs Bill Specifically Granting Atheists Protection Against Persecution

The Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act will not only protect the rights of the religious, but of the non-religious too and prevent