America’s Growing Interfaith Infrastructure

In Columbia, South Carolina, Interfaith Partners regularly brings together for discussion Christians and Jews, Hindus and Muslims, Buddhists and Bahá’ís. Members visit one another’s

Only 31% of U.S. Catholics Believe the Bread and Wine Become the Blood and Body of Christ

Only 31% of U.S. Catholics Believe Bread and Wine Become the Blood and Body of Christ

Pew Research study on the Eucharist The Catholic Church's idea that the Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life has been widely

L.A. Mayor and Pope Francis Meet at the Vatican

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti and Pope Francis Talk Climate and Immigration at the Vatican

Mayor Garcetti and the pope discuss hot button global issues the two are both passionate about. The Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, met

2020 Presidential Candidates Are Visiting Mosques

2020 Presidential Candidates Are Visiting Mosques

It has been rare for presidential candidates to visit a mosque on the campaign trail. The concerns of Muslim Americans were discussed by Washington

Ken Ham Says There's Nothing to Worry About, the World Has Been Through Climate Change Before

Ken Ham Says There’s Nothing to Worry About, the World Has Been Through Climate Change Before

"The biggest climate change was the global flood of Noah's day" David Attenborough, a famous naturalist, has told a Parliament committee that when faced

Arizona Will Adopt New Science and History Education Standards

Arizona Will Adopt New Science and History Education Standards

Arizona State Board of Education rejects anti-Evolution science standards for K-12. The Arizona State Board of Education, after a massive outcry by teachers and

Pope Francis Warns on Climate Change: Turning Earth into a Desert, Pile of Rubble

Pope Francis and Vatican Declare Death Penalty Should Be Abolished

Pope Francis said capital punishment attacks the dignity and inviolability of a person. Pope Francis declared the death penalty to be "inadmissible" and said

Pope Francis Warns on Climate Change: Turning Earth into a Desert, Pile of Rubble

Pope Francis Warns on Climate Change: Earth will be “Rubble, Deserts and Refuse”

The pontiff urged governments to honor Paris climate agreement Pope Francis, speaking at a Vatican conference, asked governments around the world to honor the

Scott Pruitt’s Argument Against God’s Existence

Scott Pruitt’s Battle to Bring More Religion Into the EPA has Come to an End

Former EPA head Scott Pruitt hated science. The resignation of Scott Pruitt from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a win for science[/tweetit] over

First Jewish Woman Elected Mayor of Mexico City

First Jewish Woman Elected Mayor of Mexico City

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo first held a political position in 2017. The first Jewish woman was elected Mayor of Mexico City on July 1.[/tweetit] Claudia