Why Nigeria Has Become One Of The Most Dangerous Countries For Christians

Why Nigeria Has Become One Of The Most Dangerous Countries For Christians

Over 86 Dead In Recent Attack in Nigeria Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. According to Pew Research Center, hundreds

Pope Francis Defends Environment By Attacking The Oil Industry

Pope Francis Defends Environment By Attacking The Oil Industry

Pope Franics Told Oil Executives They Need To Care About The Environment Pope Francis, on June 9, warned influential oil executives and other top

Have The Quakers Given Up On God?

Have The Quakers Given Up On God?

Quakers' Unique Interpretation Of Christianity Has Made Radical Changes Of all Christian denominations, Quakers have always been at the forefront of social justice. They

Synagogue Pulls Money From JPMorgan to Fight Climate Change

Synagogue Pulls Money from JPMorgan to Fight Climate Change

The independent synagogue wanted to make a point Congregation Kolot Chayeinu, a synagogue in Park Slope, has withdrawn its money from Chase Bank. The

Pope Francis Being Seen as Too Liberal

Pope Francis Being Seen as Too Liberal

Pope Francis has allowed discussions concerning married priests and criticized capitalist excess. It's been five years since Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected to

Five Years of Pope Francis: A Review

Five Years of Pope Francis: A Review

The successes and failures of the Pope Francis papacy Pope Francis brought in massive changes to the church after joining the papacy.[/tweetit] The world

Leaked Tapes of EPA Head Scott Pruitt Talking About Traditionally Conservative Christian Beliefs

Leaked Tapes of Conservative Christian EPA Head — Evolution Is Not Real, Abortion and Gay Marriage Should Be Banned

EPA spokesperson declined to speak on the matter The Trump administration nominated Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief, Scott Pruitt who expressed the opinion that

U. Iowa Student Group Suing School After Eliminated for Banning Gay Student for Leadership Position

U of Iowa Christian Student Group Suing Over Denial of Gay Student to Leadership Position

The Business Leaders in Christ group had its registration revoked. A legal fight is in the works between the University of Iowa and a

New Study On Science and Religion Called into Doubt

The Templeton Foundation Fund Impartially Questioned There has been continued tension between science and religion. Elaine Howard Ecklund and Christopher P. Scheitle wrote a

Christians Have To Be Environmentalist

Christians Have to Be Environmentalists

I always wonder what would Jesus be like in the modern era. Which issues would he focus on? How would he feel about human