A Pretty Woman Successor Is a Must Says the Dalai Lama

A Pretty Woman Successor Is a Must Says the Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama's attractive female successor comment causes a stir The Dalai Lama is one of the most infamous people on the planet. He has

Dalai Lama Slams Trump and Jests of a Pretty Female Dalai Lama successor

Dalai Lama Slams Trump and Jests of a Pretty Female Dalai Lama Successor

The Dalai Lama stirs up controversy commenting Trump's "Lack of moral principle" During a recent interview with the BBC, the Dalai Lama called out

Dalai Lama Says ‘Europe is For Europeans’

Dalai Lama Says ‘Europe is For Europeans’

Warns Europe could become 'Muslim or African' Dalai Lama has said that Europe might become "Muslim or African" if the refugees who have been

Sacred Reich Rocks Buddhism

Sacred Reich Rocks Buddhism

New Sacred Reich album "Awakening" is Buddhism-infused heavy metal Infamous metal band Sacred Reich is surprising fans with the release of its first album

Dalai Lama Hospitalized with Chest Infection

The 83-year-old Dalai Lama says his condition is stable and he's feeling better. Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama was admitted to the hospital[/tweetit] in

Dalai Lama Sends Condolences to New Zealand

Dalai Lama Sends Condolences to New Zealand

The Tibetan spiritual leader praised the NZ Prime Minister for her management of the situation. The spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness the

Dalai Lama Suggests Refugees Return to Their Native Countries

Dalai Lama Suggests Refugees Return to Their Native Countries

The spiritual leader advocates for refugees to return to their homeland Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhist people, expressed his opinion

Dalai Lama Will Meet with Survivors of Buddhist Teacher Sexual Abuse

Dalai Lama Will Meet with Survivors of Buddhist Teacher Sexual Abuse

#MeTooGuru Change.org petition calls for wider attention on sexual abuse in the Buddhist community. The Dalai Lama is scheduled to meet sexual abuse victims[/tweetit]

Why Are Buddhists Scared About The Dalai Lama's Health Problems?

Why Are Buddhists Scared About The Dalai Lama’s Health Problems?

The Dalai Lama Recently Canceled all His Foreign Travel The spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, has canceled all travel for the

Mercedes Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

Mercedes-Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

The offending material was in the form of an Instagram post An apology was made to China by the vehicle maker Mercedes-Benz for quoting