Do Pets and Other Animals Go To Heaven? The Idea of Animal Reincarnation

Do Pets and Other Animals Go To Heaven? The Idea of Animal Reincarnation

Study says the majority of Americans believe in animal afterlife. In Christianity, Islam and other major religions, there’s the concept of heaven or a

Watch Dalai Lama Impersonate Donald Trump

Watch Dalai Lama Impersonate Donald Trump

The Dalai Lama goofs a little on Donald Trump during an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan. Just a week before the first U.S. Presidential

A Minnesota Fourth Grader is Recognized as Reincarnated Buddhist Lama

A Minnesota Fourth Grader is Recognized as Reincarnated Buddhist Lama

Jalue Dorjee, a 9-year-old from Minnesota declared a Buddhist lama, will soon move to India to live in a monastery. Life as a fourth

China’s Panchen Lama Presides Over Ritual Being Held for First Time in 50 Years

Panchen Lama holds Kalachakra ritual after 50 year ban in China. Having ousted the Dalai Lama from power during the occupation of Tibet, China

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks in Salt Lake City

Dalai Lama speaks of compassion and universal responsibility in Utah after meeting with Mormon leaders. A message of compassion and peace was delivered to

Richard Gere’s Path to Buddhism

Richard Gere on finding his way to Buddhism. Most of the people who would recognize Richard Gere’s face due to his many memorable movie

Mercedes Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

Why Dalai Lama is Still “Hopeful About the World’s Future”

Dalai Lama opinion piece "Why I’m Hopeful About the World’s Future" for The Washington Post. An opinion piece, published in The Washington Post Monday,

Mercedes Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama Urges Tibet Provinces to Unite

The re-elected Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile hopes for a peaceful resolution on the issue of Tibet during Dalai Lama’s lifetime. Lobsang Sangay

Dalai Lama Thinks New Project Can Create Peace in the World

Can the Dalai Lama's Atlas of Emotions app help achieve inner peace and end war? Tenzin Gyatso, the present Dalai Lama, is very serious

China’s Attack on Buddhism is a Threat to Tibetan People Too

New Tibet Watch report details role of religious institutions in political activism in Tibet. In the wake of Chinese president Xi Jinping's recent speech