China’s President Warns Against Religious Infiltration

The Chinese government is worried about overseas infiltration via religious means. The Constitution of China promises “freedom of religious belief” to its citizens. However,

Dalai Lama Will Speak About World Peace In Indiana

Dalai Lama Will Speak About World Peace In Indiana

Dalai Lama will speak at Indiana State Fairgrounds on June 25. The Dalai Lama's last visit to Indianapolis was in 2010. He then spoke

China Now Regulates Who Can Be Reincarnated

Buddhist reincarnation is now regulated by the Chinese government. China, in one of the most ludicrous displays of totalitarianism in history, has restricted Buddhist

After Health Scare, Dalai Lama Spoke About Compassion Sunday

Dalai Lama spoke about compassion, education and humility in Minneapolis. The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Buddhist Leader, has assured his many followers that he

Is China using Living Buddha Database for Control over Buddhism?

China Publishes "Verified Living Buddha" List. The maiden list stating the names of “authentic living Buddhas” was published on the Chinese State Administration for

Pope and Trump are Tied for Second Most Admirable Men of 2015

Donald Trump and Pope Francis Tied for Second Most Admired Men in Gallup's Top 10. The most admired woman and man in the world,

Praying for Paris won't help

Praying for Paris Won’t Help, Says Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama say Man created terrorism, it's "illogical" to ask God to fix it. The Tibetan leader, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in

Bringing Back Mongolia’s Rich History & Culture of Buddhism

The Grand Maitreya project is one of Loving - Kindness for world peace. An ancient tradition for some Mongolian and Tibetan High Buddhist Lamas

Beautiful Photos on Display Reveal Secret Tantric Buddhist Temple

Photographer Thomas Laird is sharing photos of murals inside a secret tantric Buddhist Temple meant to only be viewed by Dalai Lamas. From November

Religions Speak up on Paris Tragedy and War Against Terror

Religions Speak up on Paris Tragedy and War Against Terror

Following the Paris terror attacks, religious organizations express solidarity with France on social media. As the world struggles to make sense of the November