Religious News From Around the Web September 14, 2020

New Religous Liberty Rule for Education, Sudan Ends Islamic Law, Danish Cartoons are Back, Squirt-Gun Baptism, State Tuition for Religious Education? Homeschooling Raises Culture

Trump's budget plan seeks $1 billion in taxpayer’s funds for private religious schools

Breaking News: Supreme Court Strikes Down Restriction on Religious School Funding

Montana had a program whereby individuals received a tax credit for donations to organizations providing scholarships for private schools. But the state specifically excluded

Democrats Introduce Equality Act for LGBTQ Americans

Democrats Introduce Equality Act for LGBTQ Americans

A person's rights should not depend on a zip code. Congressional Democrats introduced the Equality Act on March 13.[/tweetit] The bill would edit current

Donald Trump

Twitter Erupts to Trump’s Endorsement of Bible Study in Schools

Critics say Trump's support of Bible study in public schools is in violation of the constitution. President Donald Trump is cheering on the move

How Often Do Americans Change Their Religion? New Survey From Pew

How Often Do Americans Change Their Religion? New Survey From Pew

Survey by Pew Research Center sheds light on factors which affect religious change among Americans Pew Research Center conducted a study in 2015 which

Religion Has Become Less Important to Americans

Religion is Losing Importance Among Americans

Only 20 percent of Americans said religion is a vital part of their lives. The Pew Research Center undertook two distinct surveys during the

Using Buddhism For Educational Achievement: An Interview With Middle Way School’s Executive Director Noa Jones

Transforming Traditional Ideas About Educating Children With Concepts From Buddhism Education is of the foundational aspects of a well-functioning society. Countries like Norway and

New Study Proves Catholic School Students Are More Disciplined

New Study Proves Catholic School Students Are More Disciplined

The study examined thousands of students in Catholic, non-Catholic private schools, and public schools A recent study conducted by Thomas B. Fordham Institute has

Religion May Not Be Reason For Muslim Women’s Lack Of Education

Religion May Not Be Reason For Muslim Women’s Lack Of Education

Muslim women have faced a vast degree of institutional oppression at the hands of their religion Women who live in Muslim societies are often

New Study Shows God Can Be Pushed Aside With Better Government Services

New Study Shows God Can Be Pushed Aside With Better Government Services

Results are the same all over the world A study conducted by researchers of three universities found that individuals are usually less religious when