Trump to Sign Anti-LGBT Executive Order on National Day of Prayer

Trump expected to sign Anti-LGBT 'Religious Freedom' executive order. America may just go back to its conservative stand on same-sex couples with a new

In America, the More Educated You are, the Less Religious You Are

Are you less religious if you're more educated? Pew has found the general notion of the highly educated being less religious is actually true[/tweetit]

Supreme Court’s Gorsuch Expected to Sway Religious Rights Cases

Line between church and state separation may get blurred. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear the plea filed by Trinity Lutheran Church claiming the

Studying Study

I've been thinking recently about my high school and college study experiences—what worked, what didn't and where things went off the rails when they

5 Facts on Betsy DeVos and “Advancing God’s Kingdom”

Get to know the faith and ideals of new Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Although Betsy DeVos has been nominated for a role that is

Hebrew Charter School Network Receives $4.9M Grant

Hebrew Public charter schools were awarded a nearly $5 million federal grant. Hebrew Public, a New York headquartered charter schools network, has received a

Which Religious Groups are the Most Educated?

Muslims and Hindus are the lowest educated groups, but both are making gigantic leaps in increasing their education levels. The most highly educated are

University Denies Community Service Credits to Girls who Taught Religion

University Denies Community Service Credits to Girls who Taught Religion

Two Catholic girls have sued the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire for denying them credits because teaching religion does not amount to University’s requirements for

How Household Income Varies Among Religious Groups

How Household Income Varies Among Religious Groups

New study shows the average U.S. household income levels classified by faith. A new study has revealed the average household income of various religious

American Schools are Now Documenting Religious Discrimination

American Schools are Now Documenting Religious Discrimination

The U.S. Dept. of Education is implementing new measures requiring schools to report religious discrimination. Recent events in 2015 and 2016 have served to