40% of the U.S. Believes in Creationism

40% of the U.S. Believes in Creationism

Record high 22% believe in evolution A June 3-16 Gallup poll has revealed that a large chunk of United States adults, 40 percent of

Confidence in Organized Religion at All-time Low in the U.S.

Confidence in Organized Religion at All-time Low in the U.S.

Only 36% of Americans say the have confidence in organized religion The trend of Americans' confidence in organized religion and the church eroding continues[/tweetit]

Record High 60% of Americans Would Consider Voting for an Atheist President

Record High Sixty Percent of Americans Would Consider Voting for an Atheist President

More Democrats than Republicans welcome an atheist president Gallup polls on the electability of an atheist U.S. President had always shown disappointing results, with

Trust in Clergy Members Has Dropped Dramatically According to a Survey on Honesty and Ethics

Sex abuse is not the sole reason for the fall. A 2018 Gallup survey shows Americans' trust in clergy members has dropped to its

New Gallup Poll Says Religion Is Important to 72% of Americans, While Record Low Thinks Religion Can Solve Today's Problems

There’s a Record Low of Americans Who Think Religion Can Solve Today’s Problems

Belief in religion has reduced over time. A Gallup poll conducted over a period of 10 days (December 3 to December 12) revealed 72

Is It Alright for Christians to Drink Alcohol?

Is It Alright for Christians to Drink Alcohol?

This is what churchgoers have to say about drinking. Drinking alcohol seems to be a part of the American lifestyle, but that hasn’t had

Pope’s Popularity Takes a Hit Amid Abuse Scandals

Popularity of Pope Francis Takes a Hit Amid Abuse Scandals

However, the pontiff's core Catholic base remain unchanged. The latest Gallup polls reveal Americans are now less enamored by Pope Francis this month with

20% Drop in Christians Identifying with Protestant Denomination

A Gallup poll finds that fewer protestants identify as being part of a particular denomination. According to a recent Gallup poll, more Americans are

Polls Could be Wrong on How Many Atheists are Actually in America

Study by psychologists suggest the number of atheists may actually be twice as much as reported in major polls. New research suggests the number

Only 26% of Americans are Not Christian

Religion is losing its footing in the United States Gallup's ongoing research on religion shows that the influence of religion in the U.S. society