Why Are Millions of Animals Going to Church?

Why Are Millions of Animals Going to Church Today?

Following Tradition Set by St. Francis You could rephrase it as “bring your animals to church day.” Today is a special Catholic ceremony called

What is Rosh Hashanah?

What is Rosh Hashanah?

Jewish Celebration of Coming New Year Rosh Hashanah marks the first high holiday for the Jewish people. The name Rosh Hashanah means "head of

Snoop Dogg is Working on a Gospel Album

Rap-god Snoop Dogg now announces decision to come out with a Gospel album, after previous associations with Nation of Islam and Rastafarianism. The latest

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday Celebrated Internationally

The extraordinary life of L. Ron Hubbard is celebrated each year on his birthday, March 13. Each year, thousands of Scientologists and their guests from some

A Lifetime of Christmases Has Deepened One Scientologist’s Hope

Christmas has helped Featured Contributor and Scientologist David Aden recognize that faith and hope are the core of all religions. "On the day when

Winter Religious Holidays Around the World [Infographic]

Share this Infographic on Your Site Source: WorldReligionNews.com Click to Enlarge Share this Infographic on Your Site Source: WorldReligionNews.com Winter Religious Holidays Around the

A Look At the Origins of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The history of the Catholic celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. December 8 marks one of the most significant dates in the

20 Gift Ideas for the Christian or Jew on Your List

Our religious gift guide for the 2016 holiday season. One of the best parts of Hanukkah and Christmas is the tradition of gift-giving. While

David Aden Thanksgiving

How One Scientologist Celebrates Thanksgiving

Featured Contributor David Aden describes how the meaning of Thanksgiving changed for him after becoming a Scientologist. People are often curious about the cultures

In the Hospital, Sharon Jones Sang Popular Gospel Hymns Before her Death

In memory of Sharon Jones' love for her faith, here's a brief insight into the singer's religious life. Sharon Jones will be remembered for