Dalai Lama Says Religion is Personal and Shouldn't Be Used to Mobilize

Dalai Lama Says Religion is Personal and Not to Use it as a Mobilization Tool

He appreciates India for its diversity Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, said religion is "personal business" and not be utilized to "mobilize"[/tweetit]

Man Kidnapped For Forced Wedding

Man Kidnapped For Forced Wedding

Over 3,000 kidnappings a year occur in India. A video is circulating on social media showing a 29-year-old engineer crying and being forced into

India produces bill that jails Muslim men for instant divorce

India produces bill that jails Muslim men for instant divorce

Triple Taraq Practice Has Caused Controversy For Women's Rights Groups India’s lower house of parliament recently passed a bill that will prosecute Muslim men

Dhanu Sankranti

The Hindu Celebration of Dhanu Sankranti

Offerings of water and flowers to the sun god Dhanu Sankranti is a holiday celebrated in Indian mythology.[/tweetit] It is also known as Dhanu

Nepal religious conversions

Nepal Outlaws Christian Conversion, Providing More Protections for Hinduism

Violation of law will bring incarceration plus punitive monetary fines The Government of Nepal enacted a law to restrict evangelism.[/tweetit] Bidhya Devi Bhandari, the

Dalai Lama Attacks Trump's America

Dalai Lama Attacks Trump’s America

Argues Against Nationalism and Message of Non-Violence The Dalai Lama, spiritual head of the Tibetan nation, speaking at the Five Fifty Forum being held

No Fireworks in Delhi for Diwali this Year

High pollution forced the Supreme Court to give the order against fireworks displays. The Supreme Court of India has taken the landmark decision to

We Might Be Destroying this Cultural Practice

We Might Be Destroying This Religious Practice

Extinction, Vultures, Poisoning, and Dead Bodies. The problem is with the birds. Namely, vultures. We generally do not think of rotting corpses as sacred.

Poster with Broken Heart and Word Divorce

India Bans Muslim Practice of Instant Divorce

Cultural Custom was Viewed as Oppressive to Muslim Women In India, many Muslim men divorce their wives instantly by saying “talaq, talaq, talaq.” Talaq

Jains Around the World Celebrate Paryushan

Life, Ahimsa, reflection and forgiveness For over 2,000 years, the religion of Jainism has attracted millions of followers in India and across the rest