Netanyahu Warns Putin Iran Another Holocaust

Netanyahu Warns Putin: Iran Wants Another Holocaust

Netanyahu attended Russia’s Victory Day Parade Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, told his counterpart Vladimir Putin, President of Russia on May 9

John Bolton As National Security Advisor Should Scare Muslims

John Bolton As National Security Advisor Should Scare Muslims

John Bolton Has A History Of Islamophbia. It seemed like the anti-Muslim government positions and rhetoric in the Trump Adminstration could not get worse.

Oh No! It's The End of The World...Again.

Oh No! Jim Bakker Says It’s The End of The World…Again

Jim Bakker says that Billy Graham's death signifies the beginning of end times Televangelist Jim Bakker said the passing of Billy Graham is a

Hijab protest

Iranian Women Protest Against Mandatory Wearing of the Hijab

There have been 29 arrests and 25 killed in Iranian protests. Tehran police confirmed that 29 activists, mostly women were arrested for protesting the

Newsweek Says Trump’s Plan is to Divide America Based on Religion; Faith Leaders Unite to Dispel Anti-Muslim Bigotry

CAIR organizes a statement from interfaith leaders condemning Trump's muslim ban. The State of the Union speech last night falls exactly one year after

Trump is Trying To Start a Religious War

Trump Is Trying To Create Religious Conflict

The Decision To Officially Name Jerusalem the Capital of Israel is Designed to Create Muslim Violence President Trump has a problem. A central tenet

It Seems The Supreme Court Will Side With Trump’s Travel Bans

Trump’s Travel Ban on Muslim Countries Gets Huge Win

Recent Supreme Court ruling demonstrates a change in attitude toward decision to support “Muslim ban”. Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the

UN Condemns Iran’s Human Rights Violations for the 30th Time

The Baha'i faith is persecuted in Iran The Third Committee of General Assembly of the United Nations condemned Iran for its ongoing human rights

Greg Laurie U.S. blasted before end days

Greg Laurie Says Bible Predicted Nuclear War with North Korea

Iran will be partner in the attack against the U.S. Greg Laurie, the U.S. pastor prone to making prophecies, has made yet another prophecy.[/tweetit]

Faith in Recovery Pt. 7

Faith In Recovery Pt. 7: How Religious Communities Combat Addiction

Shared Suffering for Communities and Different Approaches to Solving it. “And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if they have saved