Religious News from Around the Web, Jan 27th 2020

Indian Women Unite vs CAA, Falun Gong, Holocaust Property, Rohingya Ruling, Lutherans Pack 10 Million Meals, Religious School Funding India’s CAA Unites Religions India’s

Image by Gerd Altmann

Identity and Religion: The War Against the Spirit

Who are you? What is your identity? Are you your name, your family, your car, your bank account, the language you speak or the

The 2020 Edition of The Muslim 500

A press release put out by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre announced: The 2020 Edition of the annual publication ‘The Muslim 500: The

Marching for Religious Interfaith

On September 22nd, as part of a celebration of International Peace Day, marches were held around the world to celebrate Religious Peace and Justice.

China/Vatican Agreement May Signal Lessening of Religious Tension

The first Catholic Bishop to be consecrated in China since an agreement between China and the Holy See occurred recently in Inner Mongolia.[/tweetit] According

Pope Francis Hosts First Meeting of “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity”

Pope Francis hosted the first meeting of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (The Committee) on Sept. 16 at the Vatican. The Committee


Transhumanism: Path to be Godlike or Ignore God’s Plan?

Transhumanism belief that by means of Science and Technology humans can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations. Are human beings on a


The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin, literally meaning, “entering the flesh again.” The common definition of reincarnation has been altered from its original meaning.

Six Killed in Attack on Catholic Church in Burkina Faso

Six Killed in Attack on Catholic Church in Burkina Faso

Second attack on a Catholic church in Burkina Faso this year Burkina Faso state media reported the killing of six people by unknown gunmen

Iraqi Atheists Forced to Hide Their Beliefs as Shiite and Sunni Fight for Control

Iraqi Atheists Forced to Hide Their Beliefs as Shiite and Sunni Fight for Control

Atheism is rising in Iraq. A report authored by F. Brinley Bruton working for NBC News uncovered multiple stories of Iraqi atheists being forced