Six Killed in Attack on Catholic Church in Burkina Faso

Six Killed in Attack on Catholic Church in Burkina Faso

Second attack on a Catholic church in Burkina Faso this year Burkina Faso state media reported the killing of six people by unknown gunmen

Iraqi Atheists Forced to Hide Their Beliefs as Shiite and Sunni Fight for Control

Iraqi Atheists Forced to Hide Their Beliefs as Shiite and Sunni Fight for Control

Atheism is rising in Iraq. A report authored by F. Brinley Bruton working for NBC News uncovered multiple stories of Iraqi atheists being forced

With Violence Against Christians in the Middle East Should Coptic Christians Celebrate Christmas on Dec 25?

With Violence Against Christians in the Middle East Should Coptic Christians Celebrate Christmas on Dec 25?

The move towards Christian unity is only getting stronger. For Coptic Christians, Christmas falls on January 7[/tweetit] and not December 25. This is as

Egyptian Lawmaker Wants to Remove Religion from ID cards

Egyptian Lawmaker Wants to Remove Religion from ID cards

Nasr al-Din takes his inspiration from the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Ismail Nasr al-Din, an Egyptian Member of Parliament, stated his intention on

Canada Offers Asylum to Asia Bibi

Canada Offers Asylum to Pakistani Christian Woman Asia Bibi

After eight years on death row, Asia Bibi is being blocked from leaving the country. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed on November 11

Persecution of Egyptian Christians

Unprecedented Persecution of Egypt’s Christians

Christians are denied jobs and generally discriminated against in Egypt. A report published by Open Doors, a Christian persecution charity, said Egyptian citizens belonging

Muslim Leaders Condemn London Attacks

Muslims leaders come out against the London bridge attack that killed 7 people. Muslim leaders in London have come out against the terror attacks

Christian Persecution and How to Respond to Religious Persecution

In Response to Persecution: Under Caesar's Sword report A worldwide research project named "Under Caesar's Sword" has put forward its findings that Christians are

Iraqi Muslim Gets Giant Christmas Tree for Christians in Baghdad

A giant Christmas tree is on display in Baghdad to show solidarity with Christians. The tallest Christmas tree in Iraq’s capital happens to be

See the Giant Qur'an on Display at the Smithsonian

See the Giant Qur’an on Display at the Smithsonian

Smithsonian's Sackler Gallery is featuring a Qur'an so large it needed be transported using wheelbarrows. On display at the Smithsonian's Arthur M. Sackler Gallery