House to vote on anti-Semitism Resolution in Rebuke of Rep. Ilhan Omar

House to Vote on Anti-Semitism Resolution in Rebuke of Rep. Ilhan Omar

Young liberal progressive Democrats support the Minnesota Representative Representative Ilhan Omar is now under fire from members of her own party.[/tweetit] Congressional Democrats are

Rabbi Michael Shevack - Israel

Educating Israel: The True Return of Our People by Rabbi Michael Shevack

In this, the final article on my series “Re-JEW-venating the Jew”, I would like to propose something very bold. Actually, it is not very

Enraged Israeli Arab Christians Protest Museum Crucified Ronald McDonald Display

Enraged Israeli Arab Christians Protest Museum Crucified Ronald McDonald Display

The museum has agreed to install a cautionary sign next to the sculpture. The Israeli city of Haifa witnessed violent protests when Arab Christian

Natalie Portman Disagrees with Israel’s “Racist” Nation-State Law

Natalie Portman Disagrees with Israel’s “Racist” Nation-State Law

The new law discriminates against non-Jewish Israeli citizens. Actress Natalie Portman spoke harshly against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, when it came

Netanyahu Claims He’s Building Unlikely Allies to Prevent Future Holocausts

Netanyahu Claims He’s Building Unlikely Allies to Prevent Future Holocausts

Netanyahu is courting anyone who supports Israel. Supporters and detractors alike have recently soured on Benjamin Netanyahu's friendships made in the past year. Leaders

2nd Century C.E. Painting Discovered Depicts Jesus Different Than Western Perceptions

2nd Century C.E. Painting Shows Jesus Looks Much Different than Westerners Think

The popular Western perception of Christ's image bears Graeco-Roman influence. The Shivta ruins in Israel depict Jesus Christ much different from the image popular

Bill to Segregate Jews and Arabs in Israel

Bill to Segregate Jews and Arabs in Israel

It would imperil the country's democratic nature The Benjamin Netanyahu-led government in Israel wants to pass a bill which would legally permit the Jewish

Women Will Not Be Forced To Move By Ultra-Orthodox Jews On Israeli Airline Flights Anymore

Women Will Not Be Forced To Move By Ultra-Orthodox Jews On Israeli Airline Flights Anymore

After Public Outcry Of Discrimination El AL Airline Has Changed Their Policy El Al, the national airline of Israel, has announced it will not

Michele Bachmann Apologizes To The Jewish Community

Michele Bachmann Apologizes To The Jewish Community

Asks God For Forgiveness For Pattern Of Anti-Semitic Statements Former Presidential Candidate and House Representative Michele Bachmann has once again entered into the news.

Roseanne Barr Wants to be Prime Minister of Israel

Roseanne Barr Wants to be Prime Minister of Israel

Comedian Roseanne Barr is a Trump supporter. The comedian and actress Roseanne Barr has fantasized about being the Prime Minister of Israel[/tweetit]. This comes