Rep. Steve King Compares Himself to Jesus

Rep. Steve King Compares Persecution He Feels as White Nationalist to Persecution of Jesus

Both Republicans and Democrats unanimously censured King for his remarks. Representative Steve King, an elected Republican from Iowa, claimed he now comprehends how Jesus

The 'Holy Stairs' Uncovered for the Public

For the First Time in 300 Years Rome’s ‘Holy Stairs’ Are Open to the Public

It will be open until June 9 Visitors to the Vatican can now see the Holy Stairs in all their original glory[/tweetit] as the

PA Rep Delivers Jesus-Filled Invocation During the First Muslim-American Swearing-in Ceremony

PA Rep Delivers Jesus-Filled Invocation During the First Muslim-American Swearing-in Ceremony

Critics say the speech ruined a historical moment. For Representative Movita Johnson-Harrell, March 25 should have been a joyous day.[/tweetit] It was the day

Preschoolers Sing ‘Jesus Loves Me’ as a Tornado Tears the Roof off

Preschoolers Sing “Jesus Loves Me” as a Tornado Tears Roof Off School

Only one injury was suffered A group of 40 preschoolers attended by ten staff members sang "Jesus loves me" during a tornado going through

LDS Continues Push to Drop Use of the Word "Mormon" -Media Accounts Renamed

LDS Continues Push to Drop Use of the Word “Mormon”

The Church wants to be referred to by its full name. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced the renaming of websites,

Beautiful Sun Burst Photo Captures Jesus Appearing in the Sky Over Italy Coast

Beautiful Sun Burst Photo Captures Jesus Appearing in the Sky Over Italy Coast

Rationalists dismiss it as a nature-made creation. To those who left their faith due to various reasons, one show of God can sometimes be

Duck Dynasty Patriarch Has Interesting Take on Health Care

Duck Dynasty Patriarch Phil Robertson Has Interesting Take on Health Care

Instead of spending more money on health care, Phil Robertson believes more people should be introduced to Jesus. "I have eternal healthcare and it's

History Channel's "Jesus: His Life" Airs March 25

History Channel’s “Jesus: His Life” Airs March 25

Eight-part series event on History Channel will debut this spring. History Channel is set to debut a new eight-part series called Jesus: His Life[/tweetit]

Man Drove his Ferrari into a Lake Because Jesus Said a Police Officer is Egyptian

Man Drove his Ferrari into a Lake Because Jesus Said a Police Officer is Egyptian

He caused $1,000 worth of damage to public property. Deerfield Beach, Florida resident James A. Mucciaccio drove his Ferrari into Lake Worth Inlet claiming

DC Comics New Superhero: Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is DC Comics’ New Superhero in ‘Second Coming’

Second Coming is written by God is Disappointed in You author Mark Russell. Jesus Christ is the new superhero in the DC Comics canon.[/tweetit]