Scientology Social Media Celebrates L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics on its 67th Birthday

67 years after L. Ron Hubbard published the secular 'Dianetics,' the 1950 self-help best seller and precursor to the Scientology religion, the Church of

Meet People from Different Religions

Take a look into other religions with these videos. Religions are taking advantage of the popularity of online video and using it as a

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday Celebrated Internationally

The extraordinary life of L. Ron Hubbard is celebrated each year on his birthday, March 13. Each year, thousands of Scientologists and their guests from some

Religions Are Uniting After a Spike in Hate Incidents

Interfaith gatherings focus on how individuals must deal with anger and love one another despite differences. Interfaith initiatives driven by different religions occur with

Studying Study

I've been thinking recently about my high school and college study experiences—what worked, what didn't and where things went off the rails when they

Kindness Inspired by Great American Religious Leaders

Three great religious leaders who inspire random acts of kindness to this day. Individuals and groups across the U.S. are celebrating Random Acts of

Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Scientologist David Aden on the therapeutic value of discarding piles of old, worn-out no-longer-needed things. It was time. We had planned our approach. We

Celebrating 40 Years of Unconditional Help—the Scientology Volunteer Minister

Since the program was created in 1976 by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, Volunteer Ministers from 120 nations have responded to more than 200

Tad Reeves Christmas

The Day-to-Day Life of a Scientologist

Tad Reeves of Scientology Parent answers a question he is often asked: how does the life of a Scientologist compare to the way members

A Lifetime of Christmases Has Deepened One Scientologist’s Hope

Christmas has helped Featured Contributor and Scientologist David Aden recognize that faith and hope are the core of all religions. "On the day when