Yes, You Can Be a Gay Christian

You Can Love Who You Want and God Being LGBT+ in the United States comes with a laundry list of inequalities, all at a

Trump’s New Ban Unlocks Religious Anger and Praise

Leaders on Media Condemn and Applaud There has been a vocal response to President Trump’s Tweet that he will be banning transgender people from

Catholic Transgender Woman’s Life was Celebrated Sunday at Her Diverse Church

The Vatican ordered her baptismal records to remain unchanged Charlotte's Wedgewood Church celebrated the life of Nancy Ledins, who was born William Griglak in

Ken Ham Rainbow Ark

Ark Encounter Lit Up to “Take Back” the Rainbow from the LGBT Community

Founder of Answers in Genesis aims to reclaim the rainbow symbol by lighting up the Ark Encounter with the seven colors of the rainbow.

Christian Author Eugene Peterson Changes His Mind on Same-Sex Marriage

Eugene Peterson has changed his view of the LGBT community Eugene Peterson is renowned worldwide for The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language. As

12-Year-Old Gay Mormon Girl Comes Out to Her Church

Savannah hopes that her coming out will help closeted church members. Savannah Ward, a 12-year-old from Utah, took the stand in her Mormon Church's

Supreme Court Takes Case on Religious Freedom vs. LGBT Couple

Does someone get to deny same-sex marriage services if it is against their religious beliefs? The question of whether the addition of Neil Gorsuch

Gay Activist is Calling Out Churches for Spiritual Abuse

Church blamed for ignoring the “Spiritual Abuse” of LGBTQI Christians. A well-known gay activist from the Church of England (CoE) claims to have undergone

Church of Scotland Apologizes for LGBT Discrimination, Moves Closer to Allowing Ministers to Perform Same-Sex Marriages

The Scottish Episcopal Church has taken a historical step toward equality. A historical decision was made by Church of Scotland when it decided to

Australian Senator Pushing Greater Church/State Separation to Obtain Marriage Equality

Australian Senator Penny Wong blamed religious organizations as the reason why Australia is still not very receptive to gay rights. Penny Wong, an Australian