Which Religions are the Least Discriminating Against Homosexuals?

A study focused on religion and homosexuality in 79 countries identifies the religions which have the least negative attitude toward gays. A new survey

Transgender Community Finds Unexpected Welcome Across Different Faith Groups

Transgender individuals are finding support in religion for strength during their transitions. For ages, people who have struggled with their gender identity did not

Support Continues To Pour In For Gay United Methodist Pastor Who Was Fired

Activists, ministers and United Methodist Church members protested the Pastor's firing. Rev. Benjamin Hutchison’s case is one of the most recent issues wherein church

Jacqueline Woods Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter and Jacqueline Woodson Share Their Views on Race, Religion and Rights

In their recent interview with New York Times’ Philip Galanes, Jimmy Carter and Jacqueline Woodson shared their early life memories and views on race,

Rev Warren Hall

Fired Gay Minister Writes Letter to Pope Pleading for His Attention on American LGBTs During Visit

Images via Facebook and Twitter screenshots He's hoping the Pontiff will “find time to listen to the challenges faced by LGBT people, especially those

Orwellian First Amendment Defense Act

Orwellian First Amendment Defense Act May Favor Religious Bigotry

The proposed bill reassures every individual or groups on their freedom to exercise and abide by their beliefs. After the passage of the Religious

Utah Pride Festival 2013

Mormons Attend Utah Pride Festival in Support of Equality

Mormons showed up in full force to the Utah Pride Festival joining the other participants in a celebration of love and equality. The Utah

Rev. Franklin Graham Can’t Avoid Banks That Support LGBT Community

In response to a Wells Fargo ad featuring a lesbian couple, Rev. Franklin Graham accidentally moved his association's funds to another LGBT supporting bank.

Bobby Jindal Executive Order

Bobby Jindal Circumvents House, Issues Executive Order Legalizing LGBT Discrimination

After his bill was shut down in the house 10-2, Bobby Jindal issued an executive order to instate his religious freedom bill. Louisiana Governor

Pastor On Grindr

Anti-Gay Pastor Resigns Over Secret Grindr Account

Screenshots from the Grindr account of Pastor Matthew Makela, as posted on Queerty. Pastor Matthew Makela resigned from his position at the St. John's