Angelina Jolie, Pope Francis, Urge Countries to Respond to Syrian Refugee Crisis

Europe’s Syrian refugee crisis stirs controversy. Angelina Jolie and Pope Francis urge for compassion while Hungary builds a fence to keep refugees out. As

Muslims Buy Billboards to Create Awareness Around Islam’s True Meaning

100 billboard ads are on display in major cities throughout the U.S. in hopes to dispel misconceptions of Islam. A Muslim advocacy group has

Summit of Conscience for the Climate is Attended by Faith Leaders Across the World

“PNN Los Nevados Colombia (7)” by Climate Change is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Faith leaders from around the world met to discuss the

Oldest Quran Manuscript Discovered at University of Birmingham

Misplaced manuscript fragments are believed to be part of suras (chapters) 18 to 20. Muslims and non-Muslims alike around the world are startled by

Sharia Law Home Loans

Seattle Wants to Offer Sharia Law-Compliant Home Loans

The charging of exorbitant interest rates or fees when lending money is prohibited in Islam and is the reason why most Low-income Muslims don’t


Snapchat Makes it Possible for the World to Witness #Mecca_Live During Ramadan

The app, most popular with teens, featured a Muslim holiday as one of its Live stories. Snapchat is a fast growing mobile application that

This is what the typical day looks like for a Muslim during Eid al-Fitr

A Muslim celebration with many rituals and traditions that marks the end of Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr (Feast of Breaking the Fast) marks the end

Islam Most Popular Religion Among Under 30 Chinese Population

A PEW report that predicts that by 2050, the Islam population will be as large as the Christian population. Islam is currently the most

Blindfolded Muslim Man Video

Heartwarming video of a blindfolded Muslim on the street will leave you speechless

In a video that's gone viral, a Muslim "labeled as a terrorist" gets a welcoming response to his social experiment. Equipped with two signs,


#NotInMyName #JeSuisCharlie #JeSuisAhmed – The Muslim World Responds To The Paris Attack On Twitter

Muslims from around the world take to Twitter to condemn the Paris attack... Coin ! : @HabibiMommy: #NotInMyName #NotInMyReligion #JeSuisCharlie #NotInTheNameOfIslam— Le Canard