Persecution of Egyptian Christians

Unprecedented Persecution of Egypt’s Christians

Christians are denied jobs and generally discriminated against in Egypt. A report published by Open Doors, a Christian persecution charity, said Egyptian citizens belonging

Nazareth Christmas music performances canceled

Christmas Performances Canceled in Nazareth to Protest Trump’s Jerusalem Move; Christmas Market Will Remain Open

Only outdoor singing is barred Ali Salam, the Mayor of Nazareth, has taken the decision to hold all Christmas festivities[/tweetit] despite a palpable anger

Speculation Mounting in Alabama Senate Race – Abortion, Black Christians

It helps Republicans that Alabama is a conservative state. Outside Alabama, the key issue being discussed in the Alabama senate race is the allegations

It Seems The Supreme Court Will Side With Trump’s Travel Bans

Trump’s Travel Ban on Muslim Countries Gets Huge Win

Recent Supreme Court ruling demonstrates a change in attitude toward decision to support “Muslim ban”. Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the

Facebook Russia

Russian Facebook Ads Targeted Christian Voters

Attorneys for Facebook, Twitter and Google were present for a Federal hearing this week on the matter. Russia has been accused of creating strife

Indonesia religious freedom

Indonesian Law Requiring Citizens to Identify with 1 of 6 Religions is Overturned

Citizens can now list their own faith; no longer limited to six religion choices on ID cards. In a historic feat, Indonesia has recently

Austria’s Muslims are Concerned After Election Results

The Austrian far-right has captured a majority of the vote Austrian Muslims are concerned but not afraid of the rise of right-wing sentiment in

Phone threat to mosque

Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Hate Crime Against Mosque

35-year-old can be sentenced to up to 20 years in jail. Gerald Sloane Wallace of Florida has pleaded guilty to a hate crime against

Hindus Praying at Bali Volcano About to Erupt

Mt. Agung has a history of eruptions Hindus in Bali have conducted multiple ceremonies at Mount Agung. They hope that the ceremonies will prevent

Hajj 2017

Massive Numbers of Muslim Pilgrims Affected By Conflict

The annual pilgrimage done in the midst of a middle east crisis Approximately two million devout Muslims from all over the world have converged