Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy Come to Forefront After El Paso Shootings

Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy Come to Forefront After El Paso Shooting

The white supremacist agenda has been motivating these shootings. Another horrific mass shooting has occurred in the United States, this time in the quiet

Rep. Steve King Compares Himself to Jesus

Rep. Steve King Compares Persecution He Feels as White Nationalist to Persecution of Jesus

Both Republicans and Democrats unanimously censured King for his remarks. Representative Steve King, an elected Republican from Iowa, claimed he now comprehends how Jesus

Christian Persecution Rises in China

Annual Open Doors Watch List Shows Christian Persecution Rising in China

China has progressed up the Open Doors World Watch List. The annual report published by the Open Doors World Watch List on January 16

Joseph Preville Peter OBrien

Is the Muslim Culture Being Embraced in Europe? [Interview]

Peter O’Brien dissects the debated topics of headscarves, terrorism, secularism and intra-European tensions in his new book The Muslim Question in Europe. Written by