Nepal Rejects Movement to make Hinduism the National Religion, Protests Erupt

Police and Hindu protesters clash after Nepal rejects campaign to make it a Hindu state. The Constituent Assembly of Nepal turned down calls to

Volunteer Ministers Religious Artifacts In Nepal

Earthquake-stricken Nepal faces cultural loss; Scientology Volunteer Ministers help to recover religious artifacts in capital Kathmandu

The earthquakes in April and May were devastating not only for the people of Nepal. Several of the country's heritage sites were destroyed or

Kathmandu Tent Shelter

Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers provide shelter for homeless in earthquake-stricken Nepal

Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers are providing disaster relief in Nepal, which is still in a state of chaos after deadly and destructive earthquakes in April.

Nepal Quake Bible Ustream

Speakers Recite Bible from Memory in 24-Hour Stream for Nepal [Video]

Tom Meyer and Jason Nightingale of Wordsower International are streaming a 24-Hour recitation of the Bible from memory to raise money for Nepal. A

Religious Organizations Respond to Nepal Tragedy

Nepal was devastated by an earthquake. Many religious groups are lending a hand including some charitable Buddhists and Christians. The massive earthquake that devastated Nepal this past

Goat Gadhimai Festival

Ritual Animal Sacrifice at Gadhimai Festival: Is It Permissible In The Modern World?

In Nepal, the Gadhimai Festival takes place every five years, and has been gaining a great deal of notice for the amount of animal

Who are the Kumari, Living Goddesses of Nepal?

The earthly embodiments of the Living Goddess the Kumari of Nepal lead fascinatingly different lives than anything most Westerners would find familiar. Many people