St Mary and Eanswythe, Folkestone photo by Chris Whippet, CC

Religious News from Around the Web March 9, 2020

Largest Buddhist Temples, Bible in Sign Language, Muslim Thanks Sikhs, Quebec Bans Religious Symbols, Beautiful Nigerian Churches, Lutheran Students Drive Tractors to School, Douglas

Holy Bible

Religious Freedom Advocates, Churches and Believers Rally in Prayer for Leah Sharibu on Oct. 26

Save the Persecuted Christians Joins Others Worldwide to Plead for Leah’s Release from Boko Haram Captivity for Refusing to Renounce Her Faith[/tweetit] WASHINGTON—Save the

Why Nigeria Has Become One Of The Most Dangerous Countries For Christians

Why Nigeria Has Become One Of The Most Dangerous Countries For Christians

Over 86 Dead In Recent Attack in Nigeria Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. According to Pew Research Center, hundreds

Pizza Party for Pope Francis's 81st Birthday

Pizza Party for Pope’s 81st Birthday

Pope Francis has Levity and Frank Social Discussion on His Birthday Pope Francis stayed true to both his cultural heritage and his social justice

Pope Threatens to Fire Priests in Nigeria Who Don’t Agree with New Placement of Bishop

Pope Francis made a decision that seems very different from his usual way of handling issues. In the case of a rebellion of the

What is it Like to Be a Muslim in Cuba?

Islam converts are on the rise in communist Cuba. Cuba is one of the few remaining communist states in the world. Officially, it is

Muslims Sharply Divided Over Qur’an’s Influence on Laws

Should the Quran influence laws in Muslim countries? A survey by the Pew Research Center has revealed that there are prominent fissures in the

Rome to Honor Christian Martyrs with Blood Red Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain’s water will be dyed red to honor Christian Martyrs. The Trevi Fountain, located in the city of Rome, is one of the

Mormon Church Announces New Missions in Africa and Vietnam

The Mormon Church will expand its teachings to Africa and Asia. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has expanded its spiritual outreach

Was ISIS Predicted by Prophet Muhammad 1,400 Years Ago?

Studies show that groups like ISIS act against the teachings of the Quran, and that Prophet Muhammad may have warned of the rise of