Nigerian Election 2015

Nigeria Bridges Christians and Muslims by Electing Buhari

For the first time, Nigeria has democratically elected an opposition leader with Muslim Gen. Muhammadu Buhari defeating Christian Goodluck Jonathan. Challenger Gen. Muhammadu Buhari

Devastation by Boko Haram

Boko Haram attacks are deadlier, but where is the Western outcry?

Boko Haram has become increasingly deadly recently, but many religious and African leaders question the West's commitment to solving this terrorist threat. Terrorist attacks

Most Religious Countries

These 10 Countries Are the Most Religious

Insider Monkey has released a list in which it ranks the top ten religious countries in the world. Ghana topped the list followed by

Nigeria Church Collapse

Church Guest House Collapses in Nigeria; Government Calls for Investigation

Church leader TB Joshua is under scrutiny about the tragedy that occurred at a property owned by Synagogue Church of All Nations. The Synagogue

Pope Francis Calls for Peace During Easter Address

Pope Francis is the incredibly popular figurehead of the Catholic Church, and he is fortunate in that the majority of his opinions and speeches