Why Does This Religion Continue To Worship Greek Gods

Why Does This Religion Worship Forgotten Gods?

Hellenism is both a religious practie and a way of life Authors such as Rick Riordan have popularized modern interpretations of ancient mythology. These

Pagans want buildings back

Justin Welby Must Return “Stolen” Buildings Says Pagan Odinist Fellowship

The Odinist Fellowship threatens to continue protests until demands are met Ralph Harrison, Director of Odinist Fellowship and leader of British pagans, had sent

Faith in Recovery Pt. 5

Faith in Recovery Pt. 5: Are There Dangers In Faith-Based Drug Treatment?

Should faith overrule reason in matters of addiction treatment? “As time passes our book literature has a tendency to get more and more frozen

FaithinRecovery Pt. 2

Faith in Recovery Pt. 2: The Surprising Truth About Religion and Drug Use

Informative list may change the way you see religion “Every addicted person brings with them a distinct personal history, which should be listened to,

How Music Festivals and Religion are Intertwined

The connection between faith and music is undeniable, especially in the context of music festivals. "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to

Imbolc: How Pagans Celebrate the Coming Spring

Rituals of Imbolc and Lughnasadh festivals. Different religions and traditions all over the world have their own way of celebrating the transition from one

Religious Services Now Being Held in OH and WV Prisons for Pagans, Wiccans, & Satanists

Supreme Court review of the matter in 2005 sees no reason to stop religious services in prisons; Druid priestess sees positive changes in inmates.

Religious Freedom According to Major World Religions

How different religious groups feel about religious freedom. January 16 is Religious Freedom Day, a day when we celebrate the right to practice religion

This is Why Pagans Celebrate Yule at Stonehenge

Pagans Celebrate Winter Solstice at Stonehenge Now that Christmas is right around the corner, Britain is gearing up for the year’s most-awaited holiday. While

A Shinto Priest Explains Basic Concepts of the Religion

Shinto Priest Taishi Kato explains the "way of kami." As long as human beings have walked the surface of the earth, they have attempted