Hunting Down the Meaning Behind Easter Traditions

Now that everyone is full of candy and has enjoyed discovering eggs hidden by a mysterious bunny, it seems like a good time to

Winter Solstice Yule

Winter Holiday Series: Winter Solstice (Yule)

Winter Solstice, also known as Yule, involves the two halves of the hemisphere trading light for dark and vice versa. The next morning, when

Carlton Gebbia

“Real Housewives” Pagan Witch Casting Spells Trouble Ahead

The latest addition to Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is not your typical cookie-cutter television wife: She’s actually a practicing Wiccan. Carlton

Jamyi Witch

Pagan Prison Chaplain Dismissed of All Charges

In 2011, Jamyi J. Witch, a Pagan prison chaplain, was accused of conspiring to create a hostage situation, on top of trafficking drugs, that