Nepal religious conversions

Nepal Outlaws Christian Conversion, Providing More Protections for Hinduism

Violation of law will bring incarceration plus punitive monetary fines The Government of Nepal enacted a law to restrict evangelism.[/tweetit] Bidhya Devi Bhandari, the

Pakistan Fulfills Promise To Recognize Christian Marriages

Pakistan Fulfills Promise To Recognize Christian Marriages

Bill Will Allow Both Marriage and Divorce The federal government of Pakistan will formally recognize the registration of Christian marriage under the newly finalized

Pakistan country of concern

Pakistan Should be Called Country of Concern Over Religious Persecution

The country has institutionalized discrimination A number of influential United States Senators have recommended that Pakistan be designated - 'country of particular concern'. The

Muslim Millennials in the U.S.

Examining Muslim Millennials in the United States

About 52 percent of American Muslims were born on foreign soil A Pew Research Center study released on October 26 found that the American

These are the 12 Worst Countries for Christians

List by International Christian Concern includes countries such as Mexico, Russia, and even the U.S. International Christian Concern (ICC) has released a document titled

Pakistan Assembly Finally Passes Bill to Protect Rights of Hindu Women

Pakistan Assembly Finally Passes Bill to Protect Rights of Hindu Women

Landmark bill passed by Pakistani assembly recognizes Hindu marriages and protects women's rights. After decades of delays, Hindu couples in Pakistan will finally have

What is it Like to Be a Muslim in Cuba?

Islam converts are on the rise in communist Cuba. Cuba is one of the few remaining communist states in the world. Officially, it is

Muslims Sharply Divided Over Qur’an’s Influence on Laws

Should the Quran influence laws in Muslim countries? A survey by the Pew Research Center has revealed that there are prominent fissures in the

Pope Francis Condemns “Cowardly” Attack that Killed 70+ Pakistani Christians

Pope Francis Condemns “Cowardly” Attack that Killed 70+ Pakistani Christians

Pope laments Easter anti-Christian killings he describes as "cowardly and senseless." 8-year old Zainab put on her best red dress for her visit to

Pakistan’s Startling New Reveal On ISIS Attacks Against Christians

Pakistan's military has announced ISIS is about to stage wave of terrorist attacks against Christians. The Pakistani government through its armed forces announced that