Sikh People Raise Astonishing $80,000 to Fight Hate

National Sikh Campaign plans to educate the U.S. about the Sikh faith and to end misguided hate crimes. Many people in the world have

Muslim Children

The Fastest Growing Religions in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, & India Will Surprise You

Data from Pew Research may surprise many as the fastest growing religion in Saudi Arabia & Pakistan is Hinduism, & India will be home

Does this box office hit movie disrespect Hindus?

Despite making a film that has been a huge box office success, Rajkumar Hirani, director of the film PK, has been inundated with complaints

Blasphemy And Apostasy Laws

Blasphemy and Apostasy Laws: Islam or Hislam?

In January 2011, the governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, was gunned down by one of his own security guards over a controversial move —

Religious Freedom Endangered by Rise in Blasphemy Law Use Led by Pakistan

Blasphemy law use on rise, led by Pakistan: US group (via AFP) Governments around the world are increasingly invoking blasphemy laws, with Pakistan by

Michigan Sikhs honor lives lost in last year’s attack

Only a year ago, 6 people were killed in Wisconsin while worshiping in a hate attack. Members of a Michigan Sikh community were out