Rabbi Michael Shevack - Israel

Law for Peace: Beyond Palestinian and Israeli Land Claims

The idea hit me as I was driving, through the border from Germany to France: Germany, a separate state? France, a separate state? So,

Fifth Hate Crime in Palestine in a Month

Fifth Hate Crime in Palestine in a Month

Vehicles vandalized in Palestinian village An investigation into a hate crime which targeted a Palestinian village in the central West Bank was opened by

Israeli Independence Day Causes Controversy

Israeli Independence Day Causes Controversy

Not Everyone Agrees With The Message Today is Yom Ha’atzmaut. Israel Independence Day. It is the 70 year anniversary of the creation of Israel.

US Jewish-Muslim Bond Strengthened by Interfaith Activities

US Jewish-Muslim Bond Strengthened by Interfaith Activities

The status of Jerusalem is the main thorn in the flesh. The results of a pioneer study conducted by Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU)

Mahmoud Abbas says Trump Must Choose -'Jerusalem is the Gate of Peace and War'

Mahmoud Abbas says Trump Must Choose: “Jerusalem is the Gate of Peace and War”

The Palestinian President said the people of Palestine will only accept Jerusalem in its entirety Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestinian Authority, restarted his

Why does the Ecumenical Patriarch ignore the problem of Jerusalem?

Patriarch Bartholomew has so far kept silent on America's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. On December 6, 2017 a significant, controversial

Nazareth Christmas music performances canceled

Christmas Performances Canceled in Nazareth to Protest Trump’s Jerusalem Move; Christmas Market Will Remain Open

Only outdoor singing is barred Ali Salam, the Mayor of Nazareth, has taken the decision to hold all Christmas festivities[/tweetit] despite a palpable anger

A Path Towards Peace or Provocation?

Jerusalem. A legendary city anchored in all three of the Abrahamic faiths. A city that unites us spiritually yet sadly divides us politically. On

Trump is Trying To Start a Religious War

Trump Is Trying To Create Religious Conflict

The Decision To Officially Name Jerusalem the Capital of Israel is Designed to Create Muslim Violence President Trump has a problem. A central tenet

Alon Day, a Jewish NASCAR Driver, is the First Israeli in the Series’ History

Alon Day played game simulators for much of his training as a stock car driver. For Alon Day, the race car driver from Israel,