In America, the More Educated You are, the Less Religious You Are

Are you less religious if you're more educated? Pew has found the general notion of the highly educated being less religious is actually true[/tweetit]

Christianity and Islam Expected to Grow in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Christian and Muslim population in sub-Saharan Africa is on a rise as it is declining in Europe. Christianity has a future in sub-Saharan

Polls Could be Wrong on How Many Atheists are Actually in America

Study by psychologists suggest the number of atheists may actually be twice as much as reported in major polls. New research suggests the number

Restrictions on Religious Groups Are on the Rise in Europe

Harassment of religious groups is on a rise in Europe and all over the world. A research study by Pew has found harassment of

Catholic-Majority Puerto Rico Celebrates 100 Years of U.S. Citizenship

Some key information on Puerto Ricans in anticipation of their 100th year of citizenship. As Puerto Rico enters its 100th year of American citizenship,

70% of Americans View Pope Francis Favorably

Number has risen from a mere 57% from the last time that such a poll was conducted. Pope Francis continues to be popular among

True Islam Wants Separation of Mosque and State, Not Sharia Law for All

There is a prevailing false perception amongst the Muslims surveyed that Sharia needs to be imposed upon all citizens regardless of their faith in

Interfaith Families: Study Say Mothers Are More Influential Than Fathers

Interfaith Families: Study Say Mothers Are More Influential Than Fathers

One-in-Five Americans are from Interfaith families The number of Americans who are raised in interfaith households is on the rise according to new research.

Hillsong's Carl Lentz Discusses the Root of Racism with Oprah on SuperSoul Sunday

Hillsong’s Carl Lentz Discusses the Root of Racism with Oprah on SuperSoul Sunday

Evangelical Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz says "ignorance" is the root of racism. Carl Lentz, the pastor of Hillsong Church in New York City, wrote

Only 53% of Americans are Confident in Religious Leaders

Only 53% of Americans are Confident in Religious Leaders

New research indicates only half of Americans have confidence in religious leaders. "In God We Trust." Although America is deeply grounded in this exclamation