What Are Presidential Candidate Rick Perry’s Religious Beliefs?

Republican candidate Rick Perry has been guided by his Christian beliefs throughout his political career. How would those beliefs shape his presidency? Former Texas

HIllary Clinton Bible Discussion

Hillary Clinton Impresses Pastor with Impromptu Scripture Talk

Rev Donnie Hunt was pleasantly surprised when Hillary Clinton suddenly sat down with him for an off-the-cuff discussion on the Scripture. When Reverend Donnie

Bobby Jindal

Can Jindal’s Religious Freedom Executive Order Win Him the Presidency?

Louisiana's Religious Liberty bill failed, but can Governor Bobby Jindal's Executive Order lead his presidential campaign to the Oval Office? Debate on same-sex marriage

Ben Carson

Ben Carson Proposes Bible-Inspired Tax Plan

Ben Carson appeared on Fox News describing his flat-tax plan which he admits was inspired by the biblical concept of tithing. Republican presidential candidate

Bernie Sanders

Jewish-American Bernie Sanders is Socialist but not Religious

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders grew up in a Jewish household, but the left-leaning senator does not align himself with any religion today. Senator Bernie Sanders

Mike Huckabee Says “I Speak Jesus”

Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, has announced today he will run in the 2016 presidential campaign. He has frequently spoken on social issues in

Marco Rubio

How will Marco Rubio’s Faith Impact His Presidential Run?

Religion and faith are important elements to presidential candidate Marco Rubio's life, but how will his faith impact his campaign? Senator Marco Rubio, representative

Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal Tells Story of Converting to Catholicism in Commencement Speech

Bobby Jindal tells his story of converting to Catholicism at Liberty University commencement speech. You may not have heard of Bobby Jindal, but you