Marching for Religious Interfaith

On September 22nd, as part of a celebration of International Peace Day, marches were held around the world to celebrate Religious Peace and Justice.

Germany Has Seen Dramatic Drop in Protestantism

Germany Has Seen Dramatic Drop in Protestantism

The decline has outpaced German Catholics Germany is the birthplace of the Protestant Reformation but from the middle of the 20th century, the European

Research Shows That Black Americans More Likely To Read Bible In U.S.

Research Shows Black Americans More Likely to Read the Bible

Black Americans Exhibit Higher Religiosity Compared To Other Races A Pew Research survey revealed Black Americans in the United States are much more probable

Let's Celebrate Billy Graham's Message On His Birthday

On His 99th Birthday, Let’s Celebrate Billy Graham’s Message

Billy Graham has preached understanding and harmony. Why does religion preach anger? Each religion espouses a universal ethic of love and respect for fellow

Research Shows Historic Losses For Evangelicals In United States

What is Making Young Evangelical Christians Leave?

New Research Shows Historic Decrease in Number of People Calling Themselves Evangelicals A PRRI poll is demonstrating new trends in the changing landscape of

20% Drop in Christians Identifying with Protestant Denomination

A Gallup poll finds that fewer protestants identify as being part of a particular denomination. According to a recent Gallup poll, more Americans are

Lutherans and Catholics May Finally Be On Their Way to Mending Divide

Lutherans and Catholics May Finally Be On Their Way to Mending Divide

'Declaration on the Way' document buries the hatchet between Lutherans and Catholics. Catholics and Lutherans have been at odds for close to 500 years.

What is a Seventh-day Adventist Anyway? The 7 Most Revealing Facts

What is a Seventh-day Adventist Anyway? The 7 Most Revealing Facts

Taking a look at Presidential Candidate Ben Carson’s religion, Seventh-day Adventist. Seventh-day Adventists are a member of a Protestant sect that preaches about the

Protestants Celebrate Martin Luther on Reformation Day

The anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 Theses is celebrated on Reformation Day. Though the date of October 31 is most widely known as the

Guatemalan Humanist Booed at Congress over Bill on Mandatory Bible Classes

Though Guatemala is a secular country, complete with constitutional defense in place for religious freedoms, a new bill is up that will force schools,