Enraged Israeli Arab Christians Protest Museum Crucified Ronald McDonald Display

Enraged Israeli Arab Christians Protest Museum Crucified Ronald McDonald Display

The museum has agreed to install a cautionary sign next to the sculpture. The Israeli city of Haifa witnessed violent protests when Arab Christian

Pakistan Acquits Christian Woman from Blasphemy Death Sentence

Pakistan Acquits Christian Woman from Blasphemy Death Sentence

The ruling has sparked violence across the country The Supreme Court of Pakistan has overturned the death sentence of a Christian woman by the

Making History, Trump Visits the Western Wall With His Family

Donald Trump prayed at the Western Wall, the holiest site for Jews, together with his wife Melania, his Jewish daughter Ivanka, and his son-in-law

Filmmaker’s Son Remastering Father’s Classic Muslim Film ‘The Message’

Filmmaker’s Son Remastering Father’s Classic Muslim Film ‘The Message’

Controversial Islamic film The Message  to be remastered. When it was first released, The Message by Moustapha Akkad created quite a stir. The Islamic

ISIS Christian Genocide

World Protests Against the ISIS Genocide of Christians

As the ISIS continues its jihadist rampage across the Middle East, a possible genocide is unfolding that few in the West seem to notice. With