Trump's Party Slams Clinton After Leaked Emails About Catholics

Trump’s Party Slams Clinton After Leaked Emails About Catholics

Wikileaks has revealed strings of emails allegedly showing Clinton supporters talking negatively about Catholics. After Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump came under fire for

ADL Takes Proactive Steps to Combat Rise of Anti-Semitic Speech on Social Media

ADL Takes Proactive Steps to Combat Rise of Anti-Semitic Speech on Social Media

The Anti-Defamation League has created a new role which will be entirely devoted to investigating and curbing Anti-Semitic rhetoric. The rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric

American Schools are Now Documenting Religious Discrimination

American Schools are Now Documenting Religious Discrimination

The U.S. Dept. of Education is implementing new measures requiring schools to report religious discrimination. Recent events in 2015 and 2016 have served to

“Horsetown USA” in CA Turns Down Hindu Temple, Doesn’t Fit Into City’s Western Theme

“Horsetown USA” in CA Turns Down Hindu Temple, Doesn’t Fit Into City’s Western Theme

Norco city officials rejected proposed Hindu temple because it doesn't fit the town's "western aesthetic." A proposal by Indian-Americans in the South-Californian city of

Does GoFundMe Have A Bias Against Religious Beliefs?

What does it mean when one of the top crowdfunding platforms chooses to not provide service to Christians who chose not to provide service

Ramadan China

China Will Cooperate with Muslim Ramadan Practices

China's government says it will not discriminate against the Muslim minority. The Chinese government said on June 2 that the Muslim population of Xinjiang

Americans Think Christian Persecution is on the Rise

Americans Think Christian Persecution is on the Rise

It is not just the Muslims that think they are being persecuted in America, but the Christians as well. According to a survey conducted

Mississippi Senate Passes Sweeping Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Bill

Opponents of the bill call it the most discriminatory bill ever to be passed in the history of the United States. Discrimination has always

North Carolina Passes Bill Denying Protection to Members of the LGBT Community

North Carolina Passes Bill Denying Protection to Members of the LGBT Community

North Carolina governor signs bill that rescinds LGBT anti-discrimination protection. The State Legislature of North Carolina passed a law revoking all anti-discrimination regulations aimed

Church of Scientology Found Not Guilty of Organized Crime Charges in Belgium

Church of Scientology Found Not Guilty of Organized Crime Charges in Belgium

The Church of Scientology was acquitted of organized crime charges in Belgium court. A Belgium court has dismissed a case against 11 members of