FFRF Condemns the Appointment of Tony Perkins to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

FFRF Condemns the Appointment Of Tony Perkins To U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Perkins Is Known For His Rabid Anti-LGBTQ Views Tony Perkins, the President of Family Research Council (FRC) was appointed to be a member of

German Court Bans Teacher from Wearing Hijab

German Court Bans Teacher from Wearing Hijab

The German federal law is applicable across all states The Berlin labor court ruled that a specific law which prohibits a Muslim teacher from

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer

President Trump acknowledged the Day of Prayer by issuing an executive order on religious freedom. Today is the National Day of Prayer. The National

Why We Should Have Prayer In School

Why We Should Have Prayer In School

The Restriction Does Not Make Sense Today is uniquely strange in America. It is a national holiday that schools cannot legally celebrate. No, it

FFRF Fights to End Clergy Housing Tax-Break

FFRF Fights to End Clergy Housing Tax-Break

Alliance Defending Freedom counters the Freedom From Religion Foundation with a petition campaign to save the Ministerial Housing Allowance. Churches and pastors in the

China Begins To Ban The Bible

China Begins To Ban The Bible

It Signals A Tougher Crackdown On Chinese Christians And Churches Chinese netizens can no longer buy Bibles online. Chinese shopping sites no longer display

Should Sikhs Be Forced To Wear Helmets?

Should Sikhs Be Forced To Wear Helmets?

New Exemption In Canada Brings Up the Global Debate Again When can society restrict religious freedom? This is a question usually surrounding issues like

Why Are Buddhists Scared About The Dalai Lama's Health Problems?

Why Are Buddhists Scared About The Dalai Lama’s Health Problems?

The Dalai Lama Recently Canceled all His Foreign Travel The spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, has canceled all travel for the

Teacher Who Called Homosexuality a Sin Suspended for 3 years

Teacher Who Called Homosexuality a Sin Suspended for 3 years

Loses Appeal Case Based on Religious Freedom Jenye "Viki" Knox was a teacher at Union High School. But she had a problem with the

Churches and Christian Schools in Australia Demanding Religious Freedom Laws to Protect Right to Hire and Fire Based on Beliefs

Christian Schools in Australia Demanding Religious Freedom Laws to Protect Right to Hire and Fire Based on Beliefs

CSA has submitted all the necessary documents to prove their contention Christian Schools Australia (CSA) has proposed that schools should retain the freedom to