Now You Can Stream Faith-Based Movies with “Netflix for Christians”: Pure Flix

ull wp-image-32013" /> Need a more child or family-friendly movie streaming alternative to Netflix? Then you might want to check out Pure Flix. Pure

You Can Now Stream Faith-based Movies from Christian Cinema on Apple TV

The Christian Cinema app is now available on Apple TV. The world's biggest library of Christian films, an extremely viable category, is now simply

AtheistTV Launch VS Ken Ham

Atheist TV Launches on Roku – Atheists Love It, Ken Ham Doesn’t

American Atheists launch first television channel dedicated to non-believers, Atheist TV, on Roku. Atheists are excited; creationist Ken Ham, not so much. Christians and

Atheist TV Channel Launch

Atheist TV Channel Will Launch July 29 on Roku

American Atheists has set a date to begin broadcasting their content on Roku. Atheist TV will be the world's first atheist television channel. Cranford,

Atheist TV

American Atheists to Launch All Atheist TV Channel on Roku

The world's first Atheist TV Channel will be released in the summer of 2014. American Atheists, an atheist group based in Cranford, New Jersey,